Organic Intention Collection

The Organic Intention collection explores the beauty derived from the organic and natural results born from intentional action and process. This collections represents both uniformity and uniqueness as well as constriction and freedom


Curved and rounded shapes crafted from stoneware; throw on the wheel. These shapes appeared naturally through hands. Sometimes I wonder if it’s my blood line that strongly attracts me to such plump and round forms. In Ghanaian ceramics, you will often find rounded forms in vessels both big and small.


Exploration of application techniques. Various tools were tested before finding the one that delivered the perfect stroke and crispness. Patterns were also engraved at various stages of the clay drying process. The dryness of the clay had an impacts on stroke movement and the texture that would remain on the form.


Varying into spray glazing rather than dip glazing. Dip glazing would engulf both the texture and pattern on the piece. Spray glazing, on the contrary, allowed for more control over the thickness of the glaze. This was vital to preserving the texture derived from the pattern.  This method of glazing also birthed a variety of color steming from the same chemistry of glaze.